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phishing email

Your email account has been hacked, emails

8 November, 2018
Many of our users have seen this type of email in their spam filters, most don’t actually get through to your account, although the odd one might. That is all the spammers, who are usually organised crime syndicates, need and…

New PayPal Phishing Emails

24 March, 2012
I recently received an email from PayPal that said that I had just completed a payment to someone I had never heard of for an amount that gave me the shivers (some 2 or 3 hundred dollars). I did not…

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Fraudulent Phone Calls

CritchCorp . 16 December, 2011
I have previously written in an email about this issue but it is still going on all round the world…

Stories of woe from the Fraudulent phone calls

CritchCorp . 23 December, 2011
There are many cases on the Internet about the problem with fraudulent phone calls from people pretending to be from…


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CritchCorp Computers Ltd is a company registered in England and Wales. Company number 05928822. Registered Office: 132 - 134 Great Ancoats Street, Manchester, M4 6DE. (Legal correspondence only)

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