***Notice to all Website owners***
That’s right, as of July 2018 Google Chrome will start reporting non-SSL sites (that is sites that don’t use https:// for access) as insecure. This is a major change from the current norm which is to highlight sites that use SSL certificates with a green SECURE next to the address and other browsers who use a green padlock. They will from July this year not show the green SECURE but they will show a NOT SECURE next to any site that does not have an SSL certificate. Making the norm to have an SSL certificate. That is going to be followed in the future by a warning screen that informs users that continuing to your site is not recommended. Though the warning wall is not being implemented right away it is planned for the future.

The new move forces website owners to have an SSL certificate and make their site secure, even if it is not required, or risk losing visitors that are scared away.
There are several different types of SSL certificate and the higher (more expensive) ones will still show the green bar in the address bar, but the norm will be to have one of the cheaper ones and if you don’t have any or it expires, the company backing the SSL cert (Cert provider not the retailer) goes out of business or has their master certificate rejected then you will be faced with a blocking screen when trying to get to your site which will prevent users from going there, with warnings that your site is insecure and should not be visited. This is obviously not good for business.
Google have also hinted that sites that use SSL certificates currently get a boost in the Google rankings over those who do not.
At CritchCorp Computers Ltd we have a quick and easy way for you to comply with this new Google rule for all our shared hosting customers you can purchase a fully managed SSL certificate from your yesDomains account or submit a support ticket here to get the ball rolling. It is quite an in-depth process but we will take care of it for you, with as little interaction as possible required by you. Please go here to get started.
The industry is working towards lowering the cost of SSL certificates to nothing and automating the install and renewal process, but that is still in development so for the time being you will need to purchase an SSL certificate in the normal way. If you want the users browser to light up in green then you need to select the Extended Validation (EV) certificate otherwise the cheaper normal one will suffice to prevent you being labelled as NOT SECURE. We have monthly or annual billing options to spread the cost but all certificates are annual commitments.
We use Comodo, DigiCert, Symantec, Thwarte, GeoTrust and Trustwave certificates that are strong providers in this field and highly unlikely to go out of business or have their master certificates rejected. This provides you with stability and reassurance that your certificate will not become invalid before it expires as does happen from time to time with smaller SSL providers.
If you want to read the Google blog entry about this; with their advertising spin on it then click here. What this does do is add further costs to businesses. Whilst we absolutely agree that any site that accepts payments or collects user data should be secure, there are still many sites that do not and so forcing them to have this does seem unfair to us, but that is what the mighty Google has decided and so it shall unfortunately be.
There has been some discussion about the colour of the NOT SECURE. The current SECURE label is green and it is understood that the new NOT SECURE is going to be Red, although some discussions at Google say it will be more neutral, which ever it is it isn’t good for business.
Keep safe
CritchCorp Computers Ltd