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CritchCorp Computers Ltd
132 - 134 Great Ancoats Street
M4 6DE
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CritchCorp – Winner 2021 UK Enterprise Award

Yes, it is official, CritchCorp Computers Ltd is the WINNER. It was Announced today: Winner of the SME News 2021 UK Enterprise Awards for Best Web Hosting Services Provider.

After a long wait we finally received word that we had won, again. We are very proud to have won such a prestigious award in this category. After working hard to achieve excellence in our Hosting platform that work has paid off by winning this award.

Furthermore, We have been working hard to give our customers the best of everything we do.

Best Web Hosting Provider 2021 TrophyIn late April we were notified that we had been nominated and set about completing the tasks required to show our work and what we do to the judges. After the gruelling selection process, that we are getting familiar with,  we finally won the category.

We are just launching our new Technology shop that will concentrate on Smart (or IoT) products for the house and small businesses. The goal is to have products form many manufacturers that work together through one app. We will also be looking at providing our own brand of products.

For now you can head over to our Web Hosting Shop and get your Hosting Plan, Website or other Web related products, including security products form Don’t forget to checkout the eBay shop where you can find a whole host of products for sale.

You can read the article written about us in the SME News magazine and see our award in the Hall of Fame.

Our Retail and Wholesale Online Shop has Expanded with 300+ New Tech and Aroma Products

Strategic Partnerships Signed

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© CritchCorp Computers Ltd, 2006 - 2024

"CritchCorp Retail" and "CritchCorp Retail and Wholesale" are trading names of CritchCorp Computers Ltd.
CritchCorp Smart™ is a trademark of CritchCorp Computers Ltd.
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CritchCorp Computers Ltd is a company registered in England and Wales. Company number 05928822. Registered Office: 132 - 134 Great Ancoats Street, Manchester, M4 6DE. (Legal correspondence only)

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