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132 - 134 Great Ancoats Street
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Urgent Attention

Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) Flaw

21 March, 2012
Just a quick note to all, although I only know of a couple of folks that do this and they will be contacted urgently. If you use Microsoft Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) over the Internet then there is a serious…

Stories of woe from the Fraudulent phone calls

23 December, 2011
There are many cases on the Internet about the problem with fraudulent phone calls from people pretending to be from Microsoft or an ISP and getting people to pay money with what starts out as a free service. See this…

Fraudulent Phone Calls

16 December, 2011
I have previously written in an email about this issue but it is still going on all round the world so expect that you may receive a call from one of these guys one day and be ready. What happens…

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Fraudulent Phone Calls

CritchCorp . 16 December, 2011
I have previously written in an email about this issue but it is still going on all round the world…

Stories of woe from the Fraudulent phone calls

CritchCorp . 23 December, 2011
There are many cases on the Internet about the problem with fraudulent phone calls from people pretending to be from…


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"CritchCorp Retail" and "CritchCorp Retail and Wholesale" are trading names of CritchCorp Computers Ltd.
CritchCorp Smart™ is a trademark of CritchCorp Computers Ltd.
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CritchCorp Computers Ltd is a company registered in England and Wales. Company number 05928822. Registered Office: 132 - 134 Great Ancoats Street, Manchester, M4 6DE. (Legal correspondence only)

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