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CritchCorp Computers Ltd
132 - 134 Great Ancoats Street
M4 6DE
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Google Forces Sites to use SSL Certificates

6 June, 2018
***Notice to all Website owners*** That’s right, as of July 2018 Google Chrome will start reporting non-SSL sites (that is sites that don’t use https:// for access) as insecure. This is a major change from the current norm which is…

CritchCorp Computers Ltd completes GDPR compliance

18 May, 2018
There has been a lot of new about the new General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) and it seems that every five minutes we are receiving a new email from someone telling us that they are now GDPR compliant and /…

Update to the new Ransomware

11 December, 2013
For the original post see: In the original post I talked about the new ransomware that it taking hold all over the world. It has even hit a police station in America that had to pay the “fee” to…

New ransomware takes hold

25 October, 2013
New ransomware has been taking hold of businesses and households around the world. Be very careful with the email attachments that you open, although this is probably only the first wave; they will find other ways to get to you.…

A New Domain Name Scam

10 August, 2013
Domain names are big business, well if you hold a lot of them or the right ones they can be. We charge £2.99/year (plus VAT) for a domain name. I have seen people or companies that charge over £50/year…

Domain Name Owners Beware!

4 August, 2013
It is your Domain Name! Everyone who owns a domain name (which is just about everyone today), needs to be aware of how the domain names work, and not in a technical way. That is to say that there are…

CritchCorp Computers Ltd becomes an Accredited CentralNic Registrar

20 April, 2013
  We are proud to announce that CritchCorp Computers Ltd is now an Accredited CentralNic Registrar. This means that we can now provide you with new TLD names. The following Top Level Domain (TLD) names are now available…

About Mat Honan’s Epic Hacking

27 August, 2012
I am sure that you have all heard about Mat Honan’s very bad weekend by now, But just in-case you have not, here is an overview of what happened. There is a very good podcast that you can listen to…

Update to Outbound email policy

23 May, 2012
Due to the recent increase in spam being sent out from customer PCs by viruses and the problems with our servers being blacklisted by some of the more well know blacklists because of these spam-bot, we have taken steps try…

New PayPal Phishing Emails

24 March, 2012
I recently received an email from PayPal that said that I had just completed a payment to someone I had never heard of for an amount that gave me the shivers (some 2 or 3 hundred dollars). I did not…

Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) Flaw

21 March, 2012
Just a quick note to all, although I only know of a couple of folks that do this and they will be contacted urgently. If you use Microsoft Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) over the Internet then there is a serious…

Viruses and you

29 January, 2012
Viruses. This tends to be incorrectly used for all types of malicious software. There are in-fact several categories of this evil software: Virus, Mal-ware, Ad-ware, Spy-ware, Root-kit and Trojan Horses. I am not going to explain what all of these…

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Fraudulent Phone Calls

CritchCorp . 16 December, 2011
I have previously written in an email about this issue but it is still going on all round the world…

Stories of woe from the Fraudulent phone calls

CritchCorp . 23 December, 2011
There are many cases on the Internet about the problem with fraudulent phone calls from people pretending to be from…


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"CritchCorp Retail" and "CritchCorp Retail and Wholesale" are trading names of CritchCorp Computers Ltd.
CritchCorp Smart™ is a trademark of CritchCorp Computers Ltd.
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CritchCorp Computers Ltd is a company registered in England and Wales. Company number 05928822. Registered Office: 132 - 134 Great Ancoats Street, Manchester, M4 6DE. (Legal correspondence only)

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